Frequently Used Texas Hold'em Poker Terms
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texas holdem poker terms

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Texas Holdem Poker Terms
the pocket - the 2 private cards you are dealt at the start of a hand
pockets - term is used to convey that you have a pair in the pocket
pocket rockets - a term used for a pair of aces in the pocket
suited - simply means your cards are in the same suit
playing tight - refers to someone playing only quality cards and folding the rest
playing loose - refers to people betting and playing riskier hands
fishing - people with weak hands staying in the game hoping to catch a card(s)
flop - the first 3 community cards dealt after the preflop betting
turn - the 4th community card drawn after flop betting
river - the 5th and last community card dealt
sb - small blind, this is what the player directly to the left of the dealer puts in the pot at the beginning of a new hand
bb - the large blind, this is the person directly to the left of the sb (small blind). The large blind is usually double the small blinf. First betting for each hand starts with the person sitting directly to the left of the large blind.
check - this is when there is no bet to call to stay in the hand you can check (not place a bet. If someone else bets it will come back to you to either call (match the bet) or fold your hand.
trips - a common term to represent 3 of a kind as in 3 Kings etc.
boat - another term to mean a full house eg: 3 Kings and a pair of 10's
freeroll - What is a freeroll tournament? It is a Texas Holdem Poker Tournament that does not require any entrance fees to play in. Freerolls usually pay out real cash prizes. Check our 'freeroll poker' link for the best sites.
poker handle - this is the name/nickname you chose that you want to be known as in the poker rooms.
set - 3 of a kind
button - person sitting immediately to the right of the big blind. This person is the last� to bet in the hand which is advantageous, The dealer position for that hand.
quads - 4 of a kind

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